Voscreen – Learn English with Videos

还在刷抖音、刷头条刷到人生没有意义?同样的短视频, Voscreen 的小视频可以教你练习英语听力这些,并且这些小视频非常抓人。Voscreen 不仅你不用『 科学上网 』 就可以使用,而且免费。只是要下载这个软件必须到 Google Play,而这是要 『 科学上网 』的 。所以,一心想把你从抖音里拉出来的我帮你下载了并放在了我网站上,你还在等什么?



Voscreen selected as third best educational app by Wharton Business School (USA), Reimagine Education 2016.

Voscreen is a free app to learn and improve English.

Watch video clips from movies, documentaries, music videos and cartoons to improve your English.

Voscreen makes learning English fun and easy, so it accelerates your language learning process.

Voscreen increases your motivation thanks to its natural learning environment.

On voStep menu, you can choose video clips from beginner to advanced to focus on your own level of English.

On voStructure menu, you can practise any grammar point such as “present simple” or “noun clause”.

Watching and listening to videos, you get exposed to natural English and improve listening comprehension as well as pronounciation.

You can learn new words and improve your vocabulary.

With its video-question design, Voscreen helps you impove reading skills.

Choosing “English-to-English” language mode, you can improve paraphrasing (restatement) skills.

You can increase your understanding of synonyms and antonyms.

Voscreen offers features for all, ranging from kids to adults.

You are recommended to play Voscreen at least 20 minutes a day for constant progress.

Download the app now and join millons of people worldwide improving English with Voscreen for free.

Please send your feedback here: info@voscreen.com

